| 20Q® for iPad20Q A.I. takes over iPads, expands mindreading opportunities! FULL STORY | |
| 20Q® at New York Toy Fair 2011Next generation 20Q® handheld game to be unveiled at Toy Fair 2011 FULL STORY | |
| 20Q™ Game Show launches June 13, 2009The world’s wittiest A.I. has guessed its way to its own prime
time television game show. FULL STORY | |
| 20Q to power Endemol’s newest game show20Q.net Inc.’s sophisticated A.I. guessing game is the brains behind 20Q, Endemol International’s next game show hit. FULL STORY | |
| It’s official: Blu-ray wins format
war with a little help from 20Q, and Disney!20Q.net and Disney have partnered to give Sleeping Beauty a wake-up call she won’t soon forget. Disney’s Blu-ray Edition of the classic film includes Maleficent’s Challenge, a mind-reading
game powered by the web’s most addictive guessing game, 20Q. At last, it’s safe to say that Blu-ray has won the format war and the little website with the big A.I. has just tipped the scale. FULL STORY | |
| Happy Birthday 20Q!After twenty years
of learning, 20Q is showing no signs of aging. This summer, 20Q is proudly celebrating its 20th anniversary as the artificial intelligence behind the world’s smartest guessing game. FULL STORY | |
| Mobile gaming has never been so sweet!20Q.net
is pleased to announce a partnership with Digital Chocolate, the world’s fastest growing developer of games and applications for mobile phones. FULL STORY | |
| Be our guest! Be our guest! Put 20Q to the test!20Q.net is putting a shining, shimmering,
splendid new coat on its artificial intelligence (A.I.) to bring children of all ages 20Q Disney. FULL STORY | |
| 20Q boldly goes where no A.I. has gone before20Q hits the stars as it tackles the world of Star Trek. FULL STORY | |
| Homer Simpson, meet 20Q.20Q Brings
you the zaniest web game in years! FULL STORY | |
| 20Q prepares for the final Harry Potter™ challenge20Q's Harry Potter game will include knowledge from Book 7 by Sunday July 22 FULL STORY | |
| 20Q.net Plays Past 50,000,000: Your Favorite A.I. Just Got SmarterThe
wildly popular online game and artificial intelligence, played its 50 millionth game on April 16th. FULL STORY | |
| 20Q the best toy Rosie’s seen in five yearsRosie O’Donnell was positively gushing about the award winning 20Q handheld
game on ABC’s ‘The View’ FULL STORY | |
| 20Q’s Versatility Appeals to Business Intelligence LeadersRobin Burgener addresses Central Michigan University’s Business Intelligence Research Committee FULL STORY | |
| 20Q Teams With Darth Vader to Win Gold
at Cannes Advertising FestivalThe Cannes award is just one of the many recent successes for the Canadian-based company. FULL STORY | |
| 20Q teams up with Design Force to design museum kiosks20Q.net Inc. partners with Design Force to make museum installations
that play the online 20Q game. FULL STORY | |
| 20Q - The Source Behind The Force 20Q’s Developers Reassure Millions of Fans That They Are Fully Aware of the New Burger King
Star Wars Website FULL STORY | |
| 20Q.net and Radica Partner With Brandgenuity to Develop 20Q Licensing Plans20Q.net Inc. and Radica Games have jointly retained this world class marketing agency to promote the 20Q brand worldwide. FULL STORY | |
| Radica announces new 20Q products Radica Games has announced two new products based on our 20Q A.I. technology. We're thrilled to have another opportunity to work with Radica!. FULL STORY | |
| 20Q.net Website Surpasses 10 Million Game
Mark (now over 40 million!)Since going online in 1996, the popularity of the 20Q.net website has increased exponentially. On Feb. 5, 2005 it surpassed the ten million game mark. Read about this and other surprising statistics relating to
the game... FULL STORY | |
| Radica to produce non-english Pocket 20QsHot on the heels of the immensely popular Pocket 20Q, 20Q.net and Radica Games are working on bringing the pocket game to foreign markets... FULL STORY | |