This is my kind of candy by Q May
16, 2008  Yum. Mobile gaming has never been so sweet! Starting today, you and I are going to be able to hang out
a lot more when you’re on the road. I’ve officially partnered with Digital Chocolate to bring my incredible knowledge to millions of mobile players around the world.
So what is Digital Chocolate? That’s easy. They’re the best mobile game developer around. Just like me, they are racking up a ton of cool awards. They’ve already won the Best Games Developer award at the 2006 and 2007 Mobile Entertainment
Awards and many of their projects have received the highest praise from gaming press. I’m dying to try out Crazy Penguin Catapult. I’ll have to get my inventor to download it on his phone.
Prepare yourself for free time by downloading 20Q Mind Reader on the Digital Chocolate website. Isn’t a
minute with lovable me better than a minute with no one at all? It darn well better be... |